Art Care

Care Instructions for Artwork

  • Some pieces include real broken glass and crystal pieces and can be very sharp. Be careful when handling. Gloves are recommended.

  • Epoxy Resin is UV sensitive. Although we use a high quality resin with UV blockers, please note that pieces may yellow over time with exposure to sunlight. Keep all pieces out of direct sunlight.

  • Epoxy Resin can be easily scratched and scuffed. Avoid the use of chemical and abrasive cleaners. Clean a damp and soft cloth. To remove dust in textured areas, use a microfibre duster or non-residue compressed air.

  • Many art pieces are provided with an appropriate hanging system. In the instances where the artwork is too large and heavy for conventional hanging systems, we recommend hiring a professional that can hang the piece correctly. Your  artwork should be properly secured in case of earthquake or human intervention.

  • Messy Meerkat Studios is not liable for any damage or injury related to the artwork or being handled incorrectly.